it ever occurred to you that you have a personal mould that uniquely designed
for you by your creator? Do you know that God did not use the same mould to
make all of us? Yes we are His image but why do we not all have the same look,
height, colour, faces, and same behavioural traits? Have you noticed that our
abilities are not the same? If you can answer these questions sincerely you
will agree with me that we are uniquely created by God. That is what I called
your personal mould.
Oxford Dictionary defines mould as a
container that you pour a liquid or soft substance into, which then becomes
solid in the same shape as the container. From this simple English definition
we discover that whatever comes out of a particular mould cannot fit into a
different mould. For example two blocks of different moulds cannot fit into each
other’s mould. They are unique though they were made of the same materials- cement
and sand. Likewise, you and I were made by the same maker- God, we were made of
the same substance – clay , we receive the same breath of life- the Holy Spirit,
but we were not made to become alike, we were not designed for the same
purpose. Though, we were made to till the same earth, there are different
portion allotted to individuals based on our uniqueness. That is why our mould
are unique, we may belong to the same father, we may have the same Spirit but
we have unique moulds. Hence my argument in this essay.
I noticed
that because several both within and outside the church have not come to this
reality they have been given another mould, they have been forced into a mould
that is not theirs, they keep managing and trusting God for deliverance that
may not come except they locate their moulds. Do you know your church
denomination can force you into a mould that is not yours? Some have been squeezed
into employment mould, they know that they are not enjoying the job but they
just have to cope.
My concern is to Christians who have been squeezed
into religion and ministerial mould. Some wants to hold on to positions that
they were not gifted to manage. Some were forced into strange mould because of
church expansions. That is why there are a lot of square poles in round holes
on several church altars today. Imagine trying to force a square brick inside a
round mould, you know it a stressful and wasteful adventure.
I have also noticed that today’s churches scarcely
consider individual’s areas of gifting and ability before consideration for
church leadership. Probably, because of the mandate to grow church and ministries.
I think the church needs to compare and contrast the requirements the apostles
used to place men in leadership with their own requirements of today. Until we
return to the manufacturers of men and discover what he created them to do on
earth we will continue to have wrong placement in churches and ministry.
Have you discovered your personal mould in
life, business, career and ministry? If not, men will come with their moulds and
squeeze you in. Some leaders will like you to be exactly like them, they will
like you to go in the same direction like them if you are too lazy or careless
to locate and fit into your mould. If you allow them to tailor you after their
destiny, you will only appear like them but you cannot be them, you will be a
photocopy Christian, because there is no one mould for two men. The design of
God is a man to his mould. Trying to fit into another man’s mould, ministry,
occupation, career, and calling is waste of life. Forcing your way into the
ministry or an office God has not called you into or moulded you for is wasteful
and unprofitable venture. In fact, you lose on both sides because by the time
you want to come out to locate your mould it will require extra force which may
damage your shape and make it difficult for to fit in to your original mould
even if you locate it.
Church leaders should note that when we
force men into a mould that is not theirs we are damaging their lives. For any
reason, be it personal, church growth and ministerial expansion men should not
be forced out of their mould. Let us trust God to fit men Himself because he is
the owner of the work and the creator of men. Until God found a man to till the
earth he was using mist, let us be patient for God to water the hearts of men and
place them where they belong. Then the work will be easy.
Are you a Christian? I challenge you to concentrate
on the area of your gifting; that is your mould in life, don’t and never allow
anybody for any reason to put you under pressure and force you out of your
mould. If you allow them it will be disastrous for you. God knows your
uniqueness, don’t allow men to remould you, yes God can use men for you in
training but they are to assist you in locating and fitting into your mould not
to exchange your mould for theirs. Never allow men to remould you with positions
that will make you neglect your personal mould. You will only occupy the
position but you will never find fulfilment. Never allow any system no matter
how powerful to squeeze you into their moulds. Find you mould and fit into it.
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