"...until Jesus is revealed to men, ministry remains ordinary water baptism, it remains ordinary activity"
"I myself did not know him, but the reason I came baptizing with water was that he might be revealed to Israel." (John 1:31, NIV)
The baptism of John has only one focus- ...that he might be revealed to Israel... The motive of his labor was not to be known or titled ' the baptizer,' it was solely to reveal Jesus to Israel. However, he must engage in the activity of baptism. The baptism was just a means to the end. He was not interested in how numerous the coverts that line up for baptism were, all his interest was to make Jesus known to Israel.
The baptism I conduct in ministry, what is the motive? All strategies and methods to draw people to church, what is the motive? Who is the center of the show? All ministerial activities and engagements, are they to make me popular or to make name for myself?
If all the efforts of John was just to introduce Jesus to Israel then I have no reason to rejoice at my achievements in ministry until Jesus has been revealed to my Israel. My business is not to reveal myself to Israel; the only one she needs to know is her Lord.
Lord, let me be able to say the reason why I teach, write, preach, sing or evangelize or pray or do anything is just to reveal Jesus to men. Don't allow me to draw the attention of men to myself regardless of my ministerial achievements, help me to always do it just to reveal you to men, Lord!
Let all my efforts in ministry not be for positions and promotions, let it be to reveal Jesus to men. Don't let it be to make name but to reveal Jesus to men.
"My fulfillment is when through my activities, you are revealed to men"
As John was always on the lookout as he was baptizing to discover Jesus and reveal same to Israel let my own focus also be to know him and reveal him to men. Lord, until you are revealed to men, ministry remains ordinary water baptism, it remains ordinary activity.
...never allow me to be carried away by my gifts, knowledge, influence or affluence, opportunities...
My fulfillment is when through my activities, you are revealed to men. Master, never allow me to be carried away by my gifts, knowledge, influence or affluence, opportunities, grace and achievements and forget this truth in life and ministry.
...that he might be revealed...
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